Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Next meeting:

Monday, July 12, 2010 6:30 – 9:00 PM

Assignment: The Post Gazette is looking for more stories! Based on the success of the last PG assignment, here’s another one:

Igloo Memories - your most notable experience at the Civic Arena, Mellon Arena, Igloo or whatever you prefer to call it.

Baseball Lore - Write about your connection to the 1960 World Series, the Pirates or baseball generally.

Raves - Sing the praises of some present-day, Pittsburgh-area setting or activity you want others to know about. (avoid commercial endorsements)

Biography - If a person you know or knew lived an interesting life worth others reading about, let them know as correctly as possible.

Out-of-Towners - Non-Pittsburgers' impressions of the city. A memorable visit or encounter.

Storytelling - Something meaningful - an event, location, job, etc. that has a Pittsburgh connection.

Local Dispatch - A catch-all category of good writing on a variety of topics related to Western PA.

Now, if you don’t want to write a non-fiction article for possible publication in the PG, do a fictional one, just for fun!

Additional option: The Trib is looking for stories too:

They're looking for articles for their "Great Dates" weekly series "to help you maximize your free time with your kids, your buds, your gal pals -- or your love interest."

If this appeals to you more than the topics for the PG, go for it for this month's assignment. They didn't post a word count limit, but generally, we're looking at less than 750 words.

See you Monday! Stay cool!!


1 comment:

  1. So happy to announce several of our stories made their way into the paper! Patty Gunnett, Teresa Amelio, Bill McKinley and Hana Haatainen Caye. I'm confident the list will grow!
