Saturday, August 7, 2010

Exciting News

As an author for the Crimson line of The Wild Rose Press, the following email from our editor-in-chief this morning was quite thrilling. Her Biggest Fan won't be released until September, so the chances of it appearing in the movie with Bruce Willis is slim. But what a kudo for The Wild Rose Press. I am proud to be one of their authors. Here is the email straight from the lips of Rhonda Penders.

Every once in a while something comes along that is just plain cool. This is
one of those times. Until this week I have been unable to share this information
with all of you but now we have been able to secure the rights to tell our staff
and authors and spread the word. Here goes - bear with the long email - its
worth it I promise.
Last Christmas, we were approached by a representative for a Hollywood movie who
was in need of a "few" romance novels as set props. At first, I have to be
honest, I thought it was a bunch of bunk but as I entered into a conversation
with this gal I found out she was legitimate and when I found out exactly who
was in the movie they needed the books for…well I was giddy with excitement. Up
until now we were under a confidentiality clause until the movie "wrapped".
Well, the movie is done and set to release on October 15 so now I can share the
rest of the story with all of you.
Below my note are two links to two trailers for a movie called "RED". The movie
stars Bruce Willis (yes I said Bruce Willis!), and Mary Louise Parker as the
hero and heroine of this action packed flick. Mary Louise Parker (here's where
TWRP comes in) is addicted to reading romance novels especially romantic
suspense (Crimson rose anyone?). Bruce is trying to "woo" her by reading what
she likes to read so they can discuss the books. The movie set needed books to
fill Mary Louise apartment and some to put in Bruce's apartment as well. The
Wild Rose Press shipped 150 books to Buffalo where a truck picked them up and
trucked them to the movie set in Toronto. Filming took place this winter in
Toronto and in New Orleans. Others in the movie include Morgan Freeman, John
Malkovich, Helen Mirren and Ernest Borgnine. (Isn't this cool?).
We have no idea how m any of our books actually appear on screen - if any. For
all we know they may simply fill bookcases in the background - but there is a
chance for some closeups and even if there aren't - the very fact that our books
are connected with this film is fun. The production company offered us the
trailer for our web site - this way whenever someone searches for the trailer on
Google or whatever they might stumble on us as well. I will put a note up on
the web site explaining why we have the trailer on our site.
The next question everyone is going to ask me is what books were shipped? I
can't answer that. We sent over 150 books out - they wanted catchy covers and
romantic suspense so I can tell you that almost all our Crimson Rose print books
went there as well as any that I had in the warehouse here in NY. Our goal was
to not spend money to send these books - so I used all stock we had on hand as
much as I could. We were not paid for the books, however, they did cover all
shipping charges and have indicated we could have the books back if we want them
back when the movie is finished. I also, on a side note, shipped some pink
coffee mugs - who knows maybe these will be there somewhere too.
So to end this long email - the trailer on our site is linked below as well as
the other trailer that they have floating out there. If you can't get them to
open simply google "RED Bruce Willis" and you can find the trailers out there or
check out the NEWS section of our website for the actual link. It gives you a
great idea of how cool this movie is going to be. Our fingers are crossed that
our books will pop up on the screen but if not, well, we know they were there.
The movie opens October 15 and I plan to be there the first night so I can see
what we're looking for.\ 2658&Itemid=185
Rhonda Penders

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