Hi all,
I belong to Rebecca's group and here is the latest with permission to forward.
Hi All,
I haven't shared Industry News lately and the discussion about Dorchester yesterday
sparked the realization we need to help each other stay as up to date as we can.
To that end, please share Industry links or news you gather on your travels around
the web. Everything from which publishers are accepting submissions to which ones
are changing staff is welcome.
Here are my contributions:
Barnes & Noble may be selling out.
B & N is waiting on a court ruling to see who will be eligible to purchase B & N.
it may actually be sold to the major stockholder now and go from a publicly help
company to a privately held one. Very interesting article, but I have no idea what
it means for the future of the company in terms of selling books.
Dorchester goes EBook and POD
Here's an article about Dorchester's decision for everyone interested:
Can Any Author be Worth $50 Million Today?
A good article with insight into the thinking on advances and being a bestselling
Harper Collins Releases Enhanced EBooks
I'm not quite sure what an enhanced Ebook is, but Harper Collins thinks there's money
in them.
Piers Anthony is back from vacation and updated his list for August.
Not much new there, but the rebuttal on the complaint against Class Act Books was
Please let me say, I have nothing against any author who currently contracts with
or is considering writing for Class Act Books. If you've had a good experience with
them, I am grateful and as happy for you as I would be if you were contracted anywhere.
You may promote those books here without problems as long as they fit into our M/F
guidelines and are sweet to sensual. Our problems are with CAB admins. not with other
authors. Please don't take anything we post about Class Act Books, or any publisher,
personally as we definitely do not intend it that way.
Book Publishing News Blog offers 3 new articles worth reading:
The first is about writing blurbs, the second about the growing self-publishing trend,
and the third about the anti-competitive EBook Deals Amazon and Apple may be called
on the carpet for.
Also if you haven't checked out Bookcatcher
and the free writing and publishing tips there, I recommend it.
Okay, enough for now. Everyone have a great Monday!!!
Rebecca J. Vickery
Romance With A Twist
Home Website
Victory Tales Press
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